Tuesday, December 11, 2007

Nuclear Meltdown

I nearly had a nuclear meltdown today at work when it seemed as if nothing was ever going to work. The life of a numerical modeler is not all fun and games (and not nearly as glamorous as it's made out to be). My advisor saw I was frustrated and gave me sort of a "pep talk", which made me feel a bit better. I'm ready to go in tomorrow though and solve this problem! (but after getting a few turns in at Snowbird in the morning to clear my mind). So WATCH OUT!!!

In other news, I weighed myself today for the first time in three months. Not that I'm concerned with my weight at all; but I was expecting to have lost a couple pounds since I've noticed that my jeans are considerably looser around the waist. To my surprise, I'm up from 170 to 177 pounds! Oh well, perhaps I've just been gaining muscle. Who knows. Or maybe it's just our natural response to wintertime, to gain a little more weight for the cold months ahead.

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