Yesterday in the mail I got a DVD from my brother with pictures he's taken this year set to music. It made me look at my pictures from this year and it actually made me kind of sad. It made me remember what an amazing year I had! Most (well... all) of my pictures are from my plethora of outdoor adventures I had this year and it made me feel so fortunate that I got to experience everything I did with such amazing people. I guess I got sad because I'm not sure how 2008 could possibly be any better! Such a pessimistic point of view, but looking at my pictures... It's hard to imagine 2008 topping 2007. I'm probably just feeling a little sappy right now, that's all. :)
Attached is a pic from the Wind River Mountains, a four day backpack trip over Labor Day weekend with 13 people. It was my favorite four days of the year and this picture is taken from probably my favorite place in the world. After we climbed Fremont Peak (3rd highest peak in Wyoming); Colby, Christy, Jo, Betsy, and myself opted to climb a small peak on the same saddle as Fremont. This was the view we were treated to, looking into Titcomb Basin. The five of us sat on that peak for two hours, just enjoying the views, talking, and basking in the great weather. It's memories like that which I will remember for the rest of my life. Here's to making 2008 an even more phenomenal year!!!
Oh... and I actually have a new years resolution. It's to take more pictures. I take plenty of pictures when I go on outdoor trips but never take any in everyday situations. Looking through my pictures I realized I had ZERO pictures of my non-outdoorsy friends. That's awful! That's going to change now though.
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