Sunday, February 3, 2008

Shredding the Gnar

Thursday morning and Friday afternoon were phenomenal powder days up at Snowbird. Currently it is snowing here and I look forward to going up tomorrow morning to take advantage of this snow. I would love to take the whole day off but given the fact that I have a shit load of work to do, that probably wouldn't be the smartest idea. Oh well, maybe I can get some work done tonight.

This weekend was a fun one. After skiing on Friday, I went over to the Miller's (Jen and Brian) for a game night. Despite many people canceling due to illness or other engagements or being out of town; there was quite a good turnout as Rebecca, Keith, Sarah, Lis, Jon, Jon, and Winston showed up. It was mostly a Wii night yet we also played "Who Wants to be a Millionaire" or as we called it "Who Wants to be Rebecca".

Saturday I worked during the day to make up for Friday. Saturday night I went over to Ryan's place (a guy I met at Trevan's birthday party a few weeks before) for yet another game night. This night it was Ryan, Jeff, Trevan, Jerry, Steve, and Klay partaking in the fun. Most of us ended up getting drunk pretty quickly thanks to strong margaritas and the shots that Trevan made me take; and we started the night off playing Clue. Clue is not the best game to play while intoxicated yet it was hoot. After that we played The Great Dalmuti and some random game where you stick your finger in a slot and wait for it to get shocked (not sure what was up with that game, yet it felt good).

Today I am trying to get some random stuff done and enjoying staying inside while it snows drinking warm beverages. I was invited to a couple Super Bowl parties yet got caught up in my chores and lack of motivation to leave the house. In all honesty, I could really give a flying fuck about the Super Bowl... and I'm much more concerned with what happens on Super Tuesday. It is fun to hang out with people on Super Bowl Sunday but I really want to try to get work done tonight so that maybe I can take the whole day to ski tomorrow. Seems like I'm always a lot less social in the winter than in summer; I guess cause skiing just takes priority over everything else. But this winter I'm finding a nice medium, as I've had a very healthy social life lately.

1 comment:

Anna said...

Yes!!! I finally went snowboarding for the first time this winter yesterday and it was AWESOME!! I am jealous that you can enjoy it so close to home - it is at least a 2.5 hour drive for me. Anyway, long live the pow.