Today Chelsea Clinton came to speak at the University of Utah on her mother's behalf. Usually Utah doesn't have a big role in the presidential primaries, since they are held after super Tuesday. This year, however, Utah Democrats will actually have a voice since the primaries are being held on super Tuesday. I'm excited that I will actually have a say in things, especially since my vote will pretty much not matter in the general election.
Before Chelsea started answering questions she stated it was her first time on stage speaking about her mother's campaign. Even though she was quite a low talker (a bit hard to hear), she did do an excellent job of answering questions as she is very knowledgeable about her mother's stances on views. It would have been nice to see more personality out of her, but I guess she was just bit nervous.
For many months now I have been a strong supporter of Hillary Clinton. I have watched most of the debates and have researched both her views and Barrack Obama's views extensively. Overall, Clinton and Obama have very similar viewpoints; but what sells me with Clinton is her wealth of experience. I do like Obama, and should he get the nomination I feel that I will be content... But with that said, I honestly don't understand the strong support that this new face has received lately. It seems to me that many people are simply jumping on a 'bandwagon'. In fact, in many of the primaries held thus far Clinton has received an overwhelming majority of the vote from long time registered Democrats; whereas Obama has received the majority of his vote from independents and people who have never voted before. Thus, the more 'experienced' voters are opting for the more experienced candidate. In my mind Obama has gained the vote from this new young crowd since he's a new 'hip' face that their celebrity/music idols are endorsing (in fact, many of my favorite bands such as Arcade Fire and Fiery Furnaces, to name a few, have openly endorsed Obama and bashed Clinton).
I have heard many people state that if Clinton gets the nomination she would likely not win the presidency because she is a polarizing figure in politics; and that Obama would likely stand a better chance. In my opinion, I think quite the opposite. Come general election time, when the Republicans start to lay on the heat on the Democratic nominee; who do you think is going to take the shots better? Clinton has been through this many times before... Yes, Clinton is a polarizing figure, yet there is nothing new that the Republicans can say about her. She faced incredible challenges and criticism throughout her career and running for office; she's been through this several times and ended up being successful! I have my doubts that Obama will be able to handle the big mean Republican attacking machine.
The past days Obama has received much attention from his endorsement from some of the Kennedy family. Where was all the attention when Clinton got endorsements from the New York Times or from the REST of the Kennedy family (which happened today)? I realize that people might be wanting a fresh face in politics; since we have been through the Bush-Clinton-Bush-potentially Clinton cycle. For me that is the wrong reasons to vote.
Everyone has their opinion, but this is mine. Experience for me trumps any endorsement from a rock band or talk show host or a 'like-ability' factor that many claim Obama to have (which frankly, I don't see).
In any case, I am proud that our country is open minded enough to have a female and an African American as the front runners of a political contest. I feel that is excellent... and even though I am strongly for Clinton, I will be proud and satisfied if Obama gets the nomination and wins the presidency. I feel he is a viable candidate, yet my head and my heart lies elsewhere.
Tuesday, January 29, 2008
Sunday, January 27, 2008
After Vegas this past weekend, normal sober life went on. The week was busy but fun, filled with a couple great powder mornings! Thankfully the weekend was a mellow one, which is what I needed after three crazy weekends in a row. Friday night a large group of us (Sameera, Sebastian, Ben, Christy, Dina, Rebecca, Brad, Angie, Pender) went to see the Vagina Monologues at the U. Our friend Maura was in it and even though she had a small role, she did great. The actors performing the monologues were amazing; and since I don't know much about... uh... female anatomy and such, it was quite the learning experience for me. Afterwards we went out for a couple beers and food.
Saturday night I had plans to go on a date with someone I had been out with a few times before. Let's just say that I'm DWD (done with dating) for a while... As he ended up canceling (well, he forgot about it). Truth be told, I was quite glad it was called off because for some reason I was actually dreading the date. It's just hurtful to be forgotten about... Although he did apologize profusely and claims that he still wants to see me, and asked me out tonight. But I'm pretty sure I'm done with him, except of course in the friend sense.
Right after my plans got canceled, Trevan and Jeff called me. We went out to dinner at the gateway and went back to Jeff's and watched Poltergeist. Turned out to be a relaxing and fun night, since I hadn't hung out with Jeff and Trevan in a few weeks. I think today I'm just going to have a lazy day of staying at home, drinking coffee, and watching movies. I'll continue to watch the weather to see if I'm going to be going skiing Monday or Tuesday. The storm is supposed to good!
Saturday night I had plans to go on a date with someone I had been out with a few times before. Let's just say that I'm DWD (done with dating) for a while... As he ended up canceling (well, he forgot about it). Truth be told, I was quite glad it was called off because for some reason I was actually dreading the date. It's just hurtful to be forgotten about... Although he did apologize profusely and claims that he still wants to see me, and asked me out tonight. But I'm pretty sure I'm done with him, except of course in the friend sense.
Right after my plans got canceled, Trevan and Jeff called me. We went out to dinner at the gateway and went back to Jeff's and watched Poltergeist. Turned out to be a relaxing and fun night, since I hadn't hung out with Jeff and Trevan in a few weeks. I think today I'm just going to have a lazy day of staying at home, drinking coffee, and watching movies. I'll continue to watch the weather to see if I'm going to be going skiing Monday or Tuesday. The storm is supposed to good!
Tuesday, January 22, 2008
Vegas Fun
Since Curtis is leaving town near the end of February I went to Vegas with him and some of his friends this past weekend (MLK weekend). It was such a fun weekend of relaxation and drunken debauchery that I totally needed. Along for the ride was Nick, little Ryan, averaged sized Ryan, John, and Tim. Cameo appearances were also made by Kevin, Shawn, Drew, Becky, Joel, and Curtis' friend Melissa. We spend the weekend just walking the strip, going to bars, eating, being ridiculous, and having a great time!
Curtis was the only person on the trip that I knew well. I had met the other cohorts a couple times before at random parties, but didn't get to know them real well until this trip. What a great and fun group of people and I'm glad I went on the trip so I got to know them better! I had an absolute blast with them and there's nothing better than making cool new friends.
Curtis was the only person on the trip that I knew well. I had met the other cohorts a couple times before at random parties, but didn't get to know them real well until this trip. What a great and fun group of people and I'm glad I went on the trip so I got to know them better! I had an absolute blast with them and there's nothing better than making cool new friends.
Sunday, January 13, 2008
Another Week in the Books
Nothing really else to say but busy week; what with the non stop powder skiing in the mornings and having to meet several deadlines.
This weekend turned out to be another fun one. Friday night I was extremely tired from the busy week so Jen, Brian, Jenny, Sameera, Megan, and myself hunkered down in Cocoa Cafe to play FLUXX (a random but fun game of nothing but luck). Was an early night which I was thankful for.
On Saturday Night Wes, a guy I met at Trevan's party the weekend before, invited me over to his friend Cody's house along with Wilson to play guitar hero and pool (and consume beverages). Was a fun and late night which I felt this morning by sleeping in till practically 11. This week looks like it will be a little less crazy; which is good because I'll need my rest for VEGAS this coming weekend!
This weekend turned out to be another fun one. Friday night I was extremely tired from the busy week so Jen, Brian, Jenny, Sameera, Megan, and myself hunkered down in Cocoa Cafe to play FLUXX (a random but fun game of nothing but luck). Was an early night which I was thankful for.
On Saturday Night Wes, a guy I met at Trevan's party the weekend before, invited me over to his friend Cody's house along with Wilson to play guitar hero and pool (and consume beverages). Was a fun and late night which I felt this morning by sleeping in till practically 11. This week looks like it will be a little less crazy; which is good because I'll need my rest for VEGAS this coming weekend!
Sunday, January 6, 2008
Weekend Update
What a great weekend! Friday night a large group of us (Brian, Jen, Megan, Jon, Lis, Winston, Sameera, Jenny, Miriam) went to Noodles and Co. and saw Juno. Juno was an awesome movie, despite the fact that the main character dissed my favorite band (Sonic Youth). Afterwards we went to Cocoa Cafe for some ridiculous convo (always to be expected from this group) and plenty of laughs.
Saturday got off to a late start since I couldn't sleep Friday night... but ended up going to see Margot at the Wedding with Curtis. It was great movie, with an original and weird presentation which made it stand out. Nicole Kidman was great in it (even thought I didn't even know it was her until the ending credits). After that we went to Trevan's birthday party, which was a hoot. It was one of those parties where I didn't know 90% of the people and at first was shy; but once I started talking and meeting a bunch of peeps I had an absolute blast.
Tomorrow morning I'm headed up to Snowbird before work, hoping that Mineral Basin will be open. That section of the mountain has been closed the past three days due to avalanche concerns. Hoping I can get in there to get some fresh tracks! Damn, I LOVE Winter! I wish it would never end.
Saturday got off to a late start since I couldn't sleep Friday night... but ended up going to see Margot at the Wedding with Curtis. It was great movie, with an original and weird presentation which made it stand out. Nicole Kidman was great in it (even thought I didn't even know it was her until the ending credits). After that we went to Trevan's birthday party, which was a hoot. It was one of those parties where I didn't know 90% of the people and at first was shy; but once I started talking and meeting a bunch of peeps I had an absolute blast.
Tomorrow morning I'm headed up to Snowbird before work, hoping that Mineral Basin will be open. That section of the mountain has been closed the past three days due to avalanche concerns. Hoping I can get in there to get some fresh tracks! Damn, I LOVE Winter! I wish it would never end.
Tuesday, January 1, 2008
2007 Wrap Up

Yesterday in the mail I got a DVD from my brother with pictures he's taken this year set to music. It made me look at my pictures from this year and it actually made me kind of sad. It made me remember what an amazing year I had! Most (well... all) of my pictures are from my plethora of outdoor adventures I had this year and it made me feel so fortunate that I got to experience everything I did with such amazing people. I guess I got sad because I'm not sure how 2008 could possibly be any better! Such a pessimistic point of view, but looking at my pictures... It's hard to imagine 2008 topping 2007. I'm probably just feeling a little sappy right now, that's all. :)
Attached is a pic from the Wind River Mountains, a four day backpack trip over Labor Day weekend with 13 people. It was my favorite four days of the year and this picture is taken from probably my favorite place in the world. After we climbed Fremont Peak (3rd highest peak in Wyoming); Colby, Christy, Jo, Betsy, and myself opted to climb a small peak on the same saddle as Fremont. This was the view we were treated to, looking into Titcomb Basin. The five of us sat on that peak for two hours, just enjoying the views, talking, and basking in the great weather. It's memories like that which I will remember for the rest of my life. Here's to making 2008 an even more phenomenal year!!!
Oh... and I actually have a new years resolution. It's to take more pictures. I take plenty of pictures when I go on outdoor trips but never take any in everyday situations. Looking through my pictures I realized I had ZERO pictures of my non-outdoorsy friends. That's awful! That's going to change now though.
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